Dr. Pelc is a licensed clinical psychologist, who has
been in private practice since 1978.  He is a 1975
graduate of the training program in Clinical
Psychology at the University of Denver, and he
completed his predoctoral internship at the Denver
General Hospital.
Member of the American Psychological Association, the Colorado
Psychological Association, and the National Register of Health
Care Providers in Psychology.  Served as the President of the
Colorado Psychological Association for 1992-1993.
Since 1986, he has been a Diplomate in Forensic Psychology
with the American Board of Professional Psychology, which
deals with the interface between the mental health and legal
He is a Fellow in the American Academy of Forensic Psychology
and a Member of the American Psychology-Law Society, Division
41 of the American Psychological Association.
To review Dr. Pelc's extensive history, please click the link below.
